by - Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ste že slišale za Cocowhite? Cocowhite ti pomaga priti do belih zobov na enostaven in naraven način. Kokosovo olje odstrani rumeno barvo na zobeh in zmanjša količino škodljivih bakterij v ustih. V škatlici sem prejela 14 vrečk. Sestavine so 100% naravne, brez konzervansov in brez glutena.

Kako uporabljaš Cocowhite?
Uporabljaš ga enkrat dnevno. Uporaba je priporočljiva zjutraj ali zvečer pred umivanjem zob. Tekočino imv ustih vsaj od 5 do 15 minut. Po 15 minutah lahko tekočino izpljuneš in si umiješ zobe. 

Kakšna je izbira in cena?
Na voljo imaš 4 različne paketke z okusi: vanilije, minte, limone ter paket z vsemi tremi okusi skupaj. Sama sem poizkusila paket z vsemi okusi. Menim, da je okus limone najboljši, okus vanilije pa najmanj okusen. Cena paketka je  25,15 € + poštnina £5. 

The benefit of oil pulling is to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. There are actually thousands of different types of bacteria in the mouth. Each box of Cocowhite contains 14 sachets. All ingredients are 100% natural, preservative free and
gluten free.

How do I take Cocowhite?
Cocowhite should be used once daily, try to do so before cleaning your teeth. When starting on your course try to swish the oil around your mouth for 5 minutes. Ideally you should be oil pulling for 15 minutes but take your time and work up to this level.

What is the choice and the price?
They have 4 different packages with flavors: vanilla, mint, lemon and all three flavors in one package. I have tried package with all the flavors (the worst vanilla and the best lemon). Their price is 25.15 € + shipping £5.

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