This Works: SLEEP

by - Saturday, February 20, 2016

Ste že kdaj imele težave s spanjem? Težko zaspite? Potem imam za vas nov način uspavanja sama sebe. Podjetje this works je naredilo dva izdelka s katerimi lažje zaspiš. Sama imam dva njihova mini izdelka breathe in ter deep calm pillow spray (mini paketek si lahko ogledaš in kupiš tukaj). V prvi majhni steklenički je tekočina, ki jo povonjaš in se tako lažje umiriš ter hitreje zaspiš. V drugi steklenički pa je sprej s katerim je tvoj spanec bolj sproščen.

Have you ever had trouble sleeping? Hard to fall asleep? Then I have for you a new way to fall asleep by yourself. The company this works have two items that help you fall asleep. I have their two mini products: breathe in and deep calm pillow spray (you can buy this kit here). In the first mini bottle is the liquid which you smell and you will calm down easier and fall asleep faster. The second bottle is a spray which clear your mind and make your breathing easier.

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